Article Rich Small Business 5 Ways to Make Your Workplace Safer

5 Ways to Make Your Workplace Safer

Many companies drag their feet when it comes to implementing safety measures in the workplace. What they don’t know is that it only takes a couple of accidents or employee injuries to result in financial losses. People should be safe at work. An increase in safety leads to increased production, minimised costs, reduced accidents and more streamlined operations. Therefore, organisations should take a proactive approach to ensure that the workplace is safe for their employees. 

If you are wondering how to make your work environment hazard-free, here are a few tips to get you started:

Smoke Alarm

A workplace fire is one of the most serious accidents that can happen at work, fires can wreak havoc with your workplace and cause serious injuries to their employees. Smoke detectors raise the alarm by alerting your workers in case of a fire. Since smoke travels upwards, having alarms in multiple locations around your offices and working areas will enable fast and efficient detection. If you have not installed smoke detectors at your workplaces, you’ll want to get them as soon as possible! It is also vital to ensure your smoke detectors are maintained regularly. Apart from checking the batteries once a month it is also important to make sure your detector is clean and free of dust and cobwebs.

First Aid Training

Apart from training your employees on how to safely handle workplace equipment, you should also organise first aid training sessions. Ensuring your employees know what to do in case of injuries or accidents means that (should the worst happen) your employees will be able to help each other. Dedicate a day to hosting a workshop, invite experts and educate your staff on best first aid and CPR practices, as well as making your workplace safer, your employees will be able to use this knowledge and qualifications in their personal lives.

Emergency Evacuation Plan

Disasters strike when you least expect and sometimes you and, when they do, your employees may be forced to leave the company premises. When that happens, you need evacuation plans and procedures in place. After carrying out a hazard assessment in your workplace, identify potential causes of hazards and emergencies. A good workplace evacuation plan must include methods for reporting fires or incidents to emergency services, emergency escape routes, workplace maps, safe areas and procedures for locking-down the facility. It would also be best to include an assembly location and procedures for accounting for all the personnel in the organisation.

Proper Storage and Disposal of Dangerous Goods

If you handle hazardous chemicals in your workplace, you should take additional security measures to keep your employees safe. Apart from proper handling of chemicals, you should also ensure they are stored securely. An ideal storage location should be away from all the staff to limit exposure to risk associated with any chemicals or hazardous substances. If your workplace uses a lot of chemicals, then you might need specific storage and handling options like those available at Storemasta.

Cyber Safety

With the increase in cyber-attacks, you need to keep your employees informed of the risks involved and how they can stay safe. The best way to avoid data breaches is by increasing awareness of the cyber-attacks. It would also be best to introduce data protection procedures like mandating the use of strong passwords, regular security updates, and the use of secure Wi-Fi networks. Encourage your employees to follow the data protection regulations and report suspicious activities to your IT support.

Monitor and Replace Damaged Equipment

Damaged tools and equipment can cause accidents and lead to injuries. Therefore, you should monitor all the equipment and check for damages. If the devices have faulty wires or expose your workers to injuries, you should make sure they are repaired.

Safety in the workplace is vital and begins with employees following the organisation’s safety procedures. As an employer, keeping your employees safe is a priority, and you should be prepared for accidents and emergencies.