Article Rich Small Business 5 CBD digital advertising tips

5 CBD digital advertising tips

Marketing cannabidiol products online has recently been a minefield for those advertising for CBD. Due to having such a close link to Marijuana and its ‘high’ producing abilities, governing bodies and regulatory systems have implemented strict guidelines in how CBD can be promoted and sold to consumers.

This is understandable, as the two main chemicals derived from the Cannabis plant have two polar opposite reactions. THC creating a psychoactive high, and CBD a mild relaxation. This can however leave CBD manufacturers and brands scratching their heads over how to actually sell their exciting new product to consumers.

We have listed five expert tips below which should hopefully shed some light on advertising for CBD and CBD marketing in an online world.

1. Social media

Social media marketing can be a precarious way of marketing CBD products. It’s a great at getting a message out there about your product quickly, but you have to be careful to follow each major social networks restrictions on promoting a product linked to the cannabis plant.

Some of the major networks like Google Adwords and Twitter actually ban paid for CBD marketing completely. However, this doesn’t exclude promoting content and products organically, so you are able to post tweets and photos about your product to still gain brand awareness. Facebook has only very recently allowed a lifting of their ban on advertising CBD related products. As long as the product is derived from the hemp plant only, you are allowed to engage in paid for advertising.

2. SEO is key
Like many products and services, SEO (or search engine optimization) is of paramount importance when it comes to being discovered online, and this is definitely true of CBD marketing.

This is one of the best ways to organically promote your brand, where consumers discover you ‘naturally’ on search engines, rather than an advert that appears on their social feeds. Consider hiring an SEO expert or CBD marketing agency to ensuring good use of keywords on your own website, which brings us onto our next point…

3. Have a web and email presence
In the world of CBD marketing, having your own website is critical to displaying your product. Use it as a place to display interesting content that will educate and advise consumers. Having a clear and professional web presence will also build trust with your potential consumers.

Another avenue to zone in on is email marketing. If your website collects subscribers who have shown an interest in your product or CBD in general, ensure to keep them updated regularly with interesting and insightful content and offers.

4. Affiliate marketingA new channel of marketing is on the scene, and it’s success and potential is soaring. Consider using affiliate markers to help spread the word about your new product.

5. Influencers
Like affiliate marketing, utilising influencers and bloggers is a new way businesses are using to reach millions of new potential consumers. Like the industry of CBD marketing itself, using influencers to promote products is new territory, so ensure you are keeping to all FTC (Federal Trade Commission) guidelines to ensure the contract and work between you and an influencer is fair and honest to consumers who will be targeted.

Regulatory bodies are beginning to become more lenient with CBD marketing guidelines. With more research and understanding, people will begin to accept that CBD can be a safe and positive natural remedy.