As an aspiring entrepreneur or business owner it often helps to learn from those that have experienced the ups and downs before. While not everyone can find the perfect mentor, there is one thing available to everyone: podcasts.
Podcasts have become increasingly popular over the past couple of years and it’s a format of content that most enjoy. It’s very portable and easy to consume while traveling, doing cardio at the gym, or any time you have a spare few minutes. They are also easy to listen to in your car, or on your phone. You can access podcasts form all of your devices.
Here are some great motivational podcasts that you should consider giving a chance. You might find one that acts as a great source of motivation when you need it.
Entrepreneur on Fire
John Lee Dumas started this podcast and it’s a great compliment to his blog, where he breaks down every aspect of his business. His podcast has great guests all the time so it’s always fresh.
“This is a good podcast that talks a lot about starting businesses in niches that you love and creating an online business based on something you enjoy,” says Chris Moberg of Slumber Search. “His blog is also great and he breaks down his income every month.”
This type of transparency is great, and it really shows someone who is serious about starting an online business what is really possible. If you are leaning towards more of an online business, this is a must-listen podcast.
MFCEO Project Podcast
Andy Frisella owns several businesses and he is very clear about the fact that it took years and years of struggle before he became an “overnight success” and started making money. He is very raw and real.
“If you are offended by curse words this one might not be right for you, but if you want nothing but the truth regarding what it really takes to be successful then I can’t recommend this podcast enough,” says Darryl Howard an expert on starting a blog. “It’s great and packed with helpful actionable information and advice from someone who did it. He’s not just talking. He struggled and pushed until he made it.”
I would also suggest following Andy on Instagram, where he is constantly also sharing helpful information.
The Gary Vee Audio Experience
Gary Vaynerchuk is a successful investor and agency owner, and has built several companies, starting with his family’s wine store. He is very active on social media and also has a popular YouTube series.
“Gary puts out a lot of content,” explains Oliver James of the agency Perth Web Design. “From social media content posted 24/7 to YouTube videos and blog posts, his podcast channel is just another great source of his wisdom and insight. Gary is no BS and he speaks his mind. He tells the truth and puts people in their place.” It’s refreshing to see someone so genuine with no care whether he upsets anyone, as his main goal is to spread truth and tell people what they really need to hear.
His advice is applicable to most people, and this is one podcast that you will pull value form every episode. Add it to your “favorites” list today. Just listening to Gary will boost your energy and get you fired up, ready to take action.
The Tim Ferriss Show
Tim Ferriss is a very popular entrepreneur and author of the book “The 4-Hour Workweek,” which is one of the most popular among the circle of self-employed. His podcast is where his followers can hear regular updates from him.
“Tim is a very smart and successful entrepreneur,” adds April Gillmore of “In a time when a lot of entrepreneurs try to show their success by posting pictures of cars on social media, Tim has remained very core, continuing to just put out quality podcasts with epic guests.” There is never any fluff or nonsense with Tim. Tim Ferriss provides solid advice any business owner can pull value from.
The School of Greatness
Lewis Howes was one of the first to really get the podcast movement going. He also films each episode and puts them on his YouTube channel as well.
“What I like about Lewis Howes is that he is never bragging about his own accomplishments,” says Loren Taylor of Soothing Company, creators of an indoor fountain guidebook. “Instead, he uses his platform to highlight the accomplishments of others. It’s through those stories that he is able to provide value via his podcasts, just by having his amazing guests share their experiences and stories.”
The YouTube series is great, but if you don’t have time to watch them the podcast audio is just as good. He has some impressive guests that have seen and done it all.
Millionaire Mindcast
Matt Aitchison, a real estate investor and his podcast talks a lot about different opportunities, which can be a great source of motivation for some.
“You don’t always have to listen to podcasts that are directly related to your business,” suggests Tad Thomas of injury attorneys firm Thomas Law Offices. “I pull value form listening to successful individuals from all walks of life and with a lot of different experiences and paths of success. When you learn from a lot of different people you can absorb a lot of valuable information to use in your own quest.”
Unemployable is for the entrepreneur, solopreneur, consultant and freelancer, hosted by Brian Clark, the well-known founder of Copyblogger. He built one of the first wildly successful blogs.
“Unemployable is a great podcast for anyone building a business themselves, without much guidance and support,” says Jeannie Hill of Hill Web Creations, an SEO agency that provides value-driven site audits. “It can be a lonely journey, but this podcast gives an amazing look into what some people have accomplished and built from nothing. It’s truly inspirational content.”
The podcast description sums it up perfectly: Unemployable provides actionable strategies for thousands of freelancers, consultants, coaches, and entrepreneurs. Brian Clark is an entrepreneur who has started eight successful businesses, and he draws upon his own evolution from solo to CEO to deliver valuable lessons and impactful interviews.