Article Rich General Tips to Improve Your Quality of Sleep

Tips to Improve Your Quality of Sleep

Many factors impact the way we sleep at night and how soundly we fall asleep. If your sleep quality has been suffering lately, then you likely notice it almost immediately. There are things you can do, which you have control over, that will change how well you sleep at night. The quality of your sleep impacts the quality of your life in many unseen ways.

Simple Ways You Can Impact the Quality of Your Sleep  

If you are ready to take control of your life and have it a great sleep schedule, finally, this year, then we have the advice that you need to make it happen. Sleep is the science, and if you are willing to sit down and learn, you can become a master of it.

  • Upgrade Your Sleep Situation  
    • Upgrade Your Mattress: One of the things that can affect the quality of your sleep is the quality of the mattress you are sleeping using. If you have had your mattress for several years and you have not upgraded it recently, then you might want to consider making the transition to a better quality mattress. Even if you don’t buy an entirely new bed, today, many mattress toppers can transform your sleep experience at night and whisk you off to dreamland faster than ever before.
    • Temperature Control: Depending on whether you are a hot or cold sleeper you might consider adding a fan or a heater to your room.
    • Lighting: Black out curtains are great at eliminating any light from an outside source keeping your room pitch black. Not only will the curtains aid in a peaceful nights sleep by eliminating the light but they also help to insulate the room so it stays the perfect temperature and also helps save on your utility bill with a lower Maryland electricity rate.
  • Stick to a Sleep Schedule  

The circadian rhythm is a natural cycle that occurs within the human species. It controls the production and regulation of several essential hormones involved with your sleep cycle, primarily tryptophan and melatonin. Everyone has their circadian rhythm, and there are several different types of circadian rhythm cycles that exist. The easiest way for you to learn yours is to listen to your body. You naturally will have times throughout the day where you are sleepy and will fall asleep quickly if you try and other times where you will be alert and struggle to fall asleep. This all relates to your circadian rhythm, and although it is possible to make it shift somewhat, it is easier to accept it and work with it than it is to fight against it.

  • Do Not Eat at Least Three Hours Before Bed  

One of the most common mistakes people make that leads to them not only losing sleep but gaining weight is eating within a few hours of going to bed. Your body does not like to leave food undigested in its stomach when you are asleep.

Eating before you go to bed is an excellent way for you to end up waking after only sleeping for a short while. Limit your food intake at least three hours before bed to prevent any negative impacts on your sleep.

  • Do Not Drink Any Caffeine After Midday  

Even if you only notice the effects of caffeine for a few hours, it has a half-life of up to 20 hours, depending on the person’s metabolism who is ingesting it. That means that 20 hours after you ingest caffeine, you can have up to half the total amount still within your system. Therefore, drinking anything caffeinated after midday will disrupt your sleep cycle.

  • Limit the Amount of Blue Light Exposure Have at Night  

Blue light naturally occurs in the sky, which is the most common natural place you will encounter the color. It is intimately related to our perception of time and our sleep cycles. Exposure to the blue light tells the brain that it is dawn, and it is time to wake up. Limit your exposure to electronics that emits blue light, and you will be amazed at how the quality of your sleep improves. Since sleep is such a crucial component in our overall health it is important that we get an appropriate amount of rest every night. Sleep problems if left unattended to can cause major health issues.