Article Rich General The Vital Ingredients for a Balanced Early Learning Program

The Vital Ingredients for a Balanced Early Learning Program

If you are soon to be looking for a kindergarten program for your young son or daughter, there is indeed much to consider. It is critical that the child receives a balanced early years education, and with that in mind, here are the necessary ingredients that make for a successful early learning program.

  • Physical Development – Growing children need to exercise all parts of the body, with tried and tested games and activities that are designed to support the growing child, with dance and movement making up a lot of the physical activities.
  • Social Skills – The first 2 years of school are designed to teach the kids how to behave on a social level, instilling a respect for elders, while also modelling kindness and compassion, and as the children interact, they learn to respect other people’s property and opinions. The social aspect of a child’s development must not be overlooked, so make sure the school you choose does recognise the importance of social development.
  • Language & Literacy – This begins from day one, and with native English-speaking teachers at the kindergarten in Bangkok who are qualified, your child will soon become proficient at English and will develop a lifelong love of language and reading. It is perfectly natural for a child to learn several languages at the same time, providing that the input is consistent from the mother, father and teachers, and if you live in a non-English speaking country, it is vital that the kindergarten uses English as the language of communication.
  • Arts & Creativity – It is vital that young children are stimulated using various forms of art; clay, painting, drawing and collage are all great activities that allow the kids to develop creativity and imagination. The first 7 years of a child’s life are known as the formative years, when creativity and imagination should be encouraged, so look for a kindergarten that focuses on art, which will empower your child to develop in this way.
  • Health & Social Studies – The goal here is to promote physical and mental well-being, and this is an integral part of any early learning program, with cultural awareness coming from the celebrating of many traditional festivities. These activities are fun and they help the children discover their own cultural identity, as well as becoming aware of other cultures and belief systems.
  • Lots of Fun – Every early learning program needs to be fun-based, as young kids love to experiment and explore new things, and if you want to evaluate this in a school, simply sit in on one of their activities and watch the kids. If, for example, a child does not enjoy school, this can lead to serious issues later on, so it is very important that the kids have fun.

If you take all of the above into account, choosing the right early learning program should not present an issue, and your child will have a solid platform from which to embark on 12 years of formal education.