Article Rich Health Covid 19: What you Can Do to Fight the Virus

Covid 19: What you Can Do to Fight the Virus

One thing we can all agree on, 2020 is definitely a year that saw the onset of a global pandemic, and while the virus was first discovered in 2019, by the time it had spread around the world, we were already into 2020. Governments around the world are listening to the scientists when planning their response and this is the most effective strategy, as the scientists know a lot about infectious viruses and how to limit the spread.

Here are a few things that you can do to help the global fight against covid-19.

  • Stay at home – Aside from a short daily exercise session and a grocery shop, you should stay in your home and avoid contact with others, especially non-family members. Yes, it can be challenging to stay at home, yet there are things you can do to keep yourself amused, and the Internet is always there for some exterior stimulation.
  • Wear PPE – When out and about, you will no doubt see PPE vending machines that are installed in parks and shopping malls, which provide you with a safe supply of quality face masks, gloves, bacterial wipes and hand sanitiser. In many countries, you will be fined if you leave your home without PPE, such is the importance, so do make sure that you always have a few sets of PPE at home, ready for use.
  • Social Distancing – This has been proven to be a very effective strategy to slow down the spread of the virus, so do keep at least 2 metres away from others when out and about.  Most people are aware and observe social distancing rules, and there will always be a few people that cause problems. Of course, it is your responsibility to educate your children regarding social distancing practices, and there are many free resources online to help you with this.
  • Share Accurate Information – Obviously, you will spend a lot of time online, and when you see covid-related data that you are sure is correct, you should share this. It is important that you research the information before sharing, as spreading an untruth could be very damaging, so we must all adopt a level of responsibility regarding the spread of covid-19 information.
  • Helping Others – If you have time on your hands, you could offer your services online. Old people would love to have someone do their shopping and leave it on their front doorstep, or you could offer to cut someone’s lawn or tidy up their garden. The elderly are especially at risk with covid-19 and anything that we can do to protect an old person is going to be helpful, so if you have free time, please offer to help others.

If we all unite and work together, we can beat this virus, and with the manufacturing industry hard at work to make PPE kits and caring people who are ready to help others, we can win this war and return to a life of normality.