Article Rich General Best and Worst Storage Places for Outdoor Gear

Best and Worst Storage Places for Outdoor Gear

There’s so much to do in beautiful Utah, but you need the proper gear to do it safely and comfortably. Usually, having the right outdoor gear can become expensive, especially if you’re taking your outdoor pursuits seriously and want to invest in good quality gear that’s going to last for years to come. 

However, if you’re going to spend money on decent gear then you’re going to have to look after it properly and store it somewhere where it won’t get damaged. Storing outdoor gear improperly can cause expensive damage or even ruin it completely. Read on to find out how to store and how not to store your outdoor gear when it’s not in use.

Best Places:

1. Self-Storage Facility

When it comes to storing your outdoor gear, there is nowhere better than a local self-storage facility. There, you can be sure that your gear is protected and safe from all kinds of wear, tear, and damage. 

Good storage facilities are typically dry and warm, so your gear won’t rust or be at risk of anyone else tampering with it. Most renter’s insurances cover self-storage facilities as well, so you can rest assured that your belongings are in good hands. Plus, you can save space in your home by storing your gear elsewhere when it’s not in season.

2. Garage

Another great place to store your gear is in your garage. However, some people do not have a garage and those that do might not have a suitable one. To store your outdoor gear properly, your garage will need to have a constant temperature and it will need to be kept clean and dry. 

You will also need to make sure that your gear is kept in suitable storage containers, or they could lose their features. There is one disadvantage to storing your outdoor gear in your garage though, and that is that you might not have enough room to keep your cars in there as well. 

3. Shed

If you have a shed then this is a great place to store your gear, but just like with your garage, there are conditions and if your shed isn’t up to scratch then storing your gear in there could potentially ruin it. 

If your shed is well-built, sturdy, clean and has a constant temperature then you should be alright keeping your gear there. Generally, a good shed for storage will be waterproof with a cement floor, solid walls, and be clean. Anything less and you will be risking the safety and quality of your gear.


1. Car 

Your car is one of the worst places to keep your gear, even though it’s so easy to do and is one of the most accessible places. So many people come back from an afternoon enjoying their favourite outdoor pursuit and just leave their gear in their car until the next time they go out. 

While this seems really convenient, it’s not recommended at all. For one, your car is a target for theft, especially if thieves can see that you have expensive gear in it.  Also, your gear can be damaged by the vibrations of the road and other objects in your car. Additionally, heat from windows or the cold can damage your gear beyond repair. However tempting it may be to store your gear in your car, don’t do it, it’s not worth it.

2. Your Friend’s Place

While it can be really handy if you have a friend who has plenty of space in their home to store your stuff, even if you know them really well and trust them with your belongings, it can still be a risky place. 

Someone they invite over may choose to steal, damage, or “borrow” your things and when you come to use them next, they’re not there. It’s far better that you are responsible for your gear and know exactly where your things are at all times

3. Backyard: 

Many people use their backyard as storage for all kinds of things. Gear, however, is not meant for the backyard. Even when it’s covered by a tarp or covering, it is still exposed to wind, theft, precipitation, ice, and dirt. Keep your gear inside, covered, and protected with proper storage.

Having outdoor gear can be a solid investment and something that can bring you much joy when using it. However, with owning such gear comes the responsibility to look after it and to store it properly. If you don’t have space in your home then a local storage facility is a really the best option for keeping your gear safe and in top condition.