Article Rich General 4 Ways to Revamp Your Rooftop Garden During the Winter

4 Ways to Revamp Your Rooftop Garden During the Winter

4 Ways to Revamp Your Rooftop Garden During the Winter

Rooftop gardens are very popular areas these days which allow homeowners to save money during the summertime on their cooling bills. However, the benefits of a rooftop garden don’t have to stop there either. There are many different things you can do to revamp your rooftop garden during the winter season, and these ideas will transform how you can use your rooftop garden during the winter and all year long.

1. Trim Back Plants

One of the very first things that you want to do to revamp your rooftop garden for the winter is to trim back all of your plants. Plants that are going to be dead after the season should be cut at the surface level and their leaves disposed of on the surface of the soil. Be sure not to remove the roots of the plant, as these will provide essential nutrients to revive your soil throughout the winter months. If you have trees in your rooftop garden, be sure to prune them back and go ahead and add the branches to the soil’s surface. All of this excess debris will decay onto the soil and end up providing essential nutrients that you can use when spring comes back around.

2. Add Mulch

One of the very first things that you want to do for your rooftop garden when the winter season hits is to add more mulch. Aim for adding at least four to five inches of mulch to help create an insulating barrier for all of your plants. Mulch is well known to help moderate soil temperature so that plants in the soil don’t get as cold as if there is no insulation at all.

3. Consider Using Cover Crops

Another great tip to keep in mind is to utilize cover crops. Most people are familiar with this as a practice for farming. However, it works great for rooftop gardens as well. Cover crops will help to replenish nutrients in the soil, suppress weed growth, and prevent soil erosion. Be sure to choose a winter hardy crop like winter rye or clover that will withstand the colder season.

4. Update Planters

As the seasons change, so will your tastes for what looks good on your rooftop garden. If you’re unhappy with the overall design of your garden, wintertime is the perfect time of year to go ahead and redesign your garden. You can do this on your own or with the help of a professional garden designer. One of the best ways to help make a large improvement in the overall look of your rooftop garden is to invest in new planters. Since these make up a large majority of the garden, their overall style and texture can set the tone for your entire garden.

Revamping your rooftop garden should be a fun and exciting undertaking. Be sure to start by cleaning up your existing garden setup and then go ahead and add in the new features that you want to use. Remember that your rooftop garden is there to be a functional space for you and your family that also promotes natural green beauty.